Monday, August 17, 2009

It's Done.

It's been a while since I blogged, but I can tell you that the main reason for the radio silence was because I couldn't talk about - My New Job! For fear of losing my old one, of course; that would be sloppy of me, very sloppy. I finally gave my resignation today - it was all very formal. I cannot believe I was there for four full years - that is my record for the longest time I have stayed at any one establishment. My plan was to stay there until I graduated, but as you likely read in that last post, some things came up.

In the end, I'm grateful for my personality conflict with my boss. It has taught me many things. I often have trouble with authority figures, especially when I'm smarter than they are (trust me, it happens). This time, I was able to not let it affect me the way it has in the past. Sure, it got on my nerves, but that by itself was just not a reason to quit. I had worked too hard, and though I didn't like her, I did like my work and my co-workers pretty well. Then the events of a couple of weeks ago happened, and the account that I've been working on for years is slowing down - all of these events converged at just the right time.

An opportunity presented itself at school and I leaped onto it and hung on like grim death. A couple of my professors wrote a grant for me to do consulting and research for the University. I'll be getting experience doing what I love to do, redesigning business infrastructure for small to medium sized enterprises. My resume will gleam, it'll be so exciting. It's more per hour, but less hours, so I'm looking for part time gigs to fill in. I think the best part of all this is that I'll no longer spend 40 hours a week focused in a direction I no longer want to go.

I didn't sleep a wink last night. My brain kept flipping between some stuff I'm creating on the website and what I was going to tell my co-workers today. Kind of a roller coaster of emotions, to tell you the truth. And after all that, things turned out fine today. My boss acted exactly like I expected her to act. It was amazingly easy to predict. And through everything, I just get to keep to myself. I do have a choice. I'm learning that the high road, in this case, is the path of least resistance. Nothing more needs to be said or done. Some people will die angry and lonely, and I won't. And that's enough.

That's all for now - I have to catch up on some work I didn't get done over the weekend. Further bulletins as events warrant!!

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